Of my favorite stories to tell children. Jonah was given a job to do; to tell the people of Nineveh to repent. But Jonah ran and went the opposite direction bought a ticket to ride on a boat, God caused a storm to come up and the sailors knew, the calamity of the storm was because of Jonah, so they threw him overboard. Advent, in the Christian church calendar, the period of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas and also of preparation for the Second Coming of Christ. In many countries it is marked by a variety of popular observances, such as the lighting of Advent candles. ADVENT #16🎁👔“The time will come when, with elation you will greet yourself arriving at your own door, in your own mirror and each will smile at t. Day 16 The three wise men had completed the myrrh-seller’s puzzle in record time- they were well practiced by now. Balthazar wrote in the last answer with a flourish, and handed the scroll back to.


Becky and Lola’s voices blend beautifully as they share “a story of amazing love.”


One word. Many possible meanings.

Noël can be understood in different ways, depending on the path you take.

In modern French, “Joyeux NoĂ«l” simply means “Merry Christmas.”

It can also mean good news in French when you trace it back to the word nouvelles.

Some people tie it to the Middle English word nowel, which meant “a shout of joy.”

Many scholars think both the English and French have their source in the Latin word natalis, which means “birth”.

Or possible the Latin word novella for “news”.

And some people believe it goes back to the Hebrew and is derived from the ending of the word Emmanuel, God with us.

Joy. News. Birth. God With Us.

Any way you look at it, noël is a word that points to Jesus.


Matthew 2:1-2

After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi a from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”


God spoke to the wise men with a star. What are some other unusual ways he has communicated with people?

Has he ever used an object or something in creation to say something to you?

At the downtown post office, one of the clerks is a deaf man. He is very tall and heavyset. When he was younger he had a full head of blonde messy hair and he looked like a boyfriend I used to have.

So for years I would stand in line and part of me would hope that a different clerk, a hearing clerk, would say “next” before the deaf clerk motioned to me. But every so often I would get the deaf clerk and he would flip open a notebook full of questions and instructions tucked into protective clear sleeves.

“Hello. I am deaf.”


“How can I help you?”


Advent 1682 K965 Manual

Depending on what I was mailing, he would flip to a different page. It wouldn’t take any longer than a hearing clerk but it felt like more work, maybe because I would have to look through his book when I needed to find the right question to ask him but mostly the work was to not be an impatient jerk.

Advent 16

Today he had two linked keyboards with screens. He typed, “Hello. I am deaf.” And instead of answering, I handed him my two packages. Then I typed, “I’m glad to see this accommodation.” And he answered, “$1.75 is the cheapest.” And so I nodded and paid. He handed me my change and gave me two thumbs up with a questioning look. I smiled with a thumbs up. Our exchange was over.

When I walked away, I wondered if he saw my cochlear implant receiver on the back of my head. I wanted the message to be ‘I get it about being deaf’ but the truth of the matter is I don’t, not his kind of deafness, not profound, having to do one’s job in customer service for years with nothing but a looseleaf binder kind of deaf. For a moment, I wanted him to see me as a deaf compatriot but he didn’t, because I wasn’t. It was a good thing to think all this. It made me glad I was next in his line.